Friday, June 22, 2012

Healing is a Choice: Book Review

I have recently been reading slowly through "Healing is a Choice" by renown Christian author, Stephen Arterburn.  I chose to read this book because I could receive a copy if I reviewed it, but also because the title and synopsis intrigued me. 

Arterburn has written a classic about personal healing, and the personal choices involved.  His writing is both insightful and down-to-earth, profound yet easy to grasp and mull over.  I deeply appreciate this book written from the depths of a Christian's heart and life experience.  There is also a lot of scripture to back up what Arterburn writes.  I'd recommend the book for anyone who is searching for answers about healing (don't we all have questions at least one time in our lives?) of various types, even emotional.

Thanks to Booksneeze for the complimentary copy of this book in order to obtain my review.  Please note that my review, including all opinions, are my own.