Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Thought(less) Tuesday

Not thoughtless as in, you have permission to be inconsiderate of others! Thought(less) as in, I've had a cold for a week and somehow, I think having a head cold does something to your brain cells . . . at the very least, puts them into hibernation mode!  I am SO stinkin' serious!  :-)

So I named today's post "Thought(less) Tuesday" because I literally don't have a thought in my head to write about this hot morning in early June.  I wish I had something inspirational.  Or poetical.  Or even exhortational.  I usually find I can write under one of those headings . . . but today, my brain is fluff.  My thoughts have flown.  And you have probably shrugged off this post and headed on to another, deeper blog before you've even reached this sentence!

If you have stuck it out with me up to this point, congrats!  I hope you're having a good day.  The weather where I live is currently anything but spring-like . . . it seems we have suddenly jumped from spring into the dead heat of summer overnight!  Craziness!

Also, I would like to draw your attention to a neat giveaway that a friend of mine is doing on her even-more-neat website, she's such a cool chick!  For all you ladies who love Vera Bradley as much as I do (I wish I could buy up a bunch of her stuff, it's cool!), who wish to paint your nails a happy summery color whilst you munch on Gummy Bears check out her giveaway and while you're at it, check out her website and blog!  So cool!  Mrs Southern Bride

Till we meet again, have a lovely day!


  1. It's ok. I've had "thoughtless" days before. Often times when I'm sick, so I know the feeling. Your brain feels like a spark plug is misfiring our something.

  2. Thanks for the shout out!!!! June has a way of mugging up anybodies brain thanks to hot weather, haha. :D

  3. You are quite welcome, dear! :) Well thanks for the encouragement-if June does have a way of making our brains muggy, then it's just worse if you have a headcold! lol

  4. Well, can I blame the weather AND children for my lack of thought? Seriously, I do good to remember my words, none the less blog them. For instance, just the other day I asked my husband to please hand me the "wet drippy thing" aka a washcloth.
    :sigh: ;)

  5. LeAnna, you are so funny! Yes I think you can blame weather AND children for your lack of coherency! I am the same way sometimes. Thank goodness my dear husband is pretty good at interpreting my various grunts and jumbled vocabulary! haha :) Thanks for stopping by! Hope you can communicate today! :)
