Monday, April 19, 2010

End of a Long Day

One of the things I find I'm most grateful for at the end of a long day (or even a short one, lol) is a hot bath or shower.  Who doesn't feel like new afterward? Can you tell I relaxed tonight? haha  Seriously though, thank God for water!! And HOT water!  I do believe water, followed by sun, are my two favorite elements. I'm a water baby, always have been, likely always will be. Put me near a brook, a fountain, a stream, a river, a lake, the ocean or even a tub full of water and I suddenly feel serene and content. I even LOVE having a GLASS full of water!! Can we say hydrophillic?!?!?  ;-)

Speaking of water, a friend of mine recently told me they're going on vacation to the seaside. Jealous? You betcha! Although in a nice, friendly, I'm-covetous-of-you-because-I-wanna-be-there-too sort of way. I haven't even SEEN any ocean in 3 years now! WAY too long. Especially for a hydrophillic. Anyhow, I am delighted for them, I just wish I could tag along for at least a few days. Ah well, my time will come again. And I know I will be one HAPPY camper!

Do you enjoy water? What is your favorite aspect of it? The color? The transparency? (funny how water can be both of these at once!) The fact that everything depends upon it to live? The sound of water? The feel of it enveloping you or washing against your feet at the shore? What ISN'T there to love about water??


The Water Baby 

Thursday, April 15, 2010

I Love Walking!

Do you?  Yesterday, over my lunch break, I took a walk. Albeit a brief walk, because all I had on were flip-flops and heaven knows they are not exactly heavy-duty walking footwear! LOL Comfy, but NOT sneakers.

Anyhow, on a tangent there. The weather was GORGEOUS yesterday, not too hot and definitely not too cold. And in the shade, JUST RIGHT. Sounding like Goldilocks and the Three Bears, huh?  Couldn't resist!

So, I took a nice stroll about 2 blocks from work and paused under the beautiful, tall, stately oak trees that are just starting to leaf out. And I stared up at those trees and wondered how in the WORLD they were capable of dropping such an outrageous TON of pollen "bundles" . . . . . . and I mean a TON. So much, the entire ground beneath these trees was literally carpeted in little pollen bundles. But, I have to give the trees some credit here. . .  they truly are lovely and so tall and give such wonderful shade once they are leafed out. And though the leaves are the size of squirrel ears (who really can determine that, by the way?) -- which is a sure sign spring has officially begun! -- they are still brilliant green leaves. :-)  And I was still one happy, temperate chick.  And if I had lived abou 50 years go, I would have been a bonified tree-hugging flowerchild.  hahaha  Well, maybe not THAT much of a hippie!

What do you like about spring?  And do you love trees? Or taking walks, leisurely or brisk?  I'd love to hear!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Okay, so time flies . . .

And thus, as I think I mentioned only yesterday, I don't get everything done on my "to-do" lists all the time.  More often than not, I get about half or 2/3 completed. But, I keep working on it! Only got ONE bill paid and mailed out yesterday . . . .  and the others I MUST look over tonight! It's so easy to forget bills, out of sight and out of mind.  But I always remember and pay, somehow. LOL

So, I've been attempting to add some interest to my spring wardrobe. I didn't have much of a wardrobe to begin with, but I've hit up several sales in the last couple of months as my income allowed, and now have several cute tops, and adorable skirt or two and two sweet dresses. Can you tell I'm pleased?!?  heehee  At any rate, what I would TRULY like would be to lose some weight so I can feel more confident in my new clothes and better yet . . . have a viable excuse to buy a few more that are smaller!!! :)  Specifically, dresses and skirts. And maybe one cute pair of nice slacks.

Dreaming . . . . . and slowly working back into taking a walk everyday if possible, even if it's a shorter one while my foot recovers from whatever I did to hurt it so badly! :-T

Monday, April 12, 2010

Spring . . . . . . . is . . . here . . . . but it's almost like summer!

I have such a long to-do list. Anyone else feel my pain? Wow. I try to stay consistent on working away at it, and yet, somehow, it never seems to truly shrink. What's up with that? So, on my list of to-dos tonight are basic things, including paying bills and a credit card balance and taking a much-needed and greatly desired walk with Joe, and also eating supper (my favorite part beside the walk, I believe!).  And the beat goes on . . .

Friday, April 9, 2010

Do You Want to Be My Neighbor?

Hey ya'll!

I am trying to "get out there" in the world of bloggers and blog-readers/commentors.  I would like to know that what I have to share is helping some other people out there! So please, if you ever feel like sharing about anything I've written or a tangent off what I have written, feel free to do so! I would be THRILLED to hear from you!

For the past year or more, I have enjoyed reading a few sites created and maintained by friends of mine. And I can see a great future for this blog as I'm able to share fun times, thoughts and information from my heart! But this blog will never be as interesting or entertaining by myself as it will with your input!! 

By the way . . . Happy Spring! Yes, I know I said that in an earlier blog. But where I live, the weather took a sudden turn and dumped an unusual spring snow on us that I do believe took us all by surprise! Beautiful, but unexpected! So NOW I can say it is officially "spring" and this is one happy chick!  I LOVE this pleasantly warm weather, and sunny skies. The only part I could do without is the POLLEN . . . . seriously! Everyone I know is suffering in one form or another from that thick, ever-present coat of aggravating yellow used to procreate trees of various sorts all over my town and state. Minus the pollen, this time of year ROCKS!

I will update you on my life and the goings-on soon enough . . .. for now, I bid you adieu and HAPPY SPRING!!!!! :)