Saturday, March 15, 2014

Emma of Aurora: A Touching Story Based on a True Life

When I found the chance to review these novels based on a real woman and written by an author whose book I had found intriguing in the past, Jane Kirkpatrick ("One Glorious Ambition), I was ready to take up the offer!

Emma of Aurora is a touching story of hope, hardship, love, hate, adventure, mundane, pioneering and settling. It is a story of Emma's individual faith unfolding as she witnesses the spiritual walk of those around her. It is a story of her love, her children, her life as a pioneer, and of a woman finding her place as an individual and growing into it.

I would highly recommend this series. I would give it at least 4/5 stars! It is well written and provoked many emotions in me when I read it. The characters are well developed and as well developed characters do, make you either hate them or love them!

For more information about the author, Jane Kirkpatrick, copy and paste to go to:  To read chapter one, copy and paste to go to:

Thank you very much to the Blogging for Books program for sending me a free copy of the Emma of Aurora trilogy in exchange for my honest and original review.

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