Tuesday, July 2, 2013

What has been keeping me busy: my baby!

My Baby
(c) Rachel Rudin
Dedicated to baby P 

Little pink toes,
Cute button nose,
Adorable clothes,
My baby.

Sweetest boy you’ll meet,
No one can compete,
He makes my life complete,
My baby.

Though his cries are shrill,
Especially when he’s ill,
I’ll always love him still,
My baby.

When I stroke his face,
Hold him warm in my embrace,
No one can replace,
My baby.

Eyes of deepest blue,
He coos and sighs on cue,
My love for him renewed,
My baby.

 Hands of softest skin,
Hair so fine and thin,
Cheeks that draw you in,
My baby.

Sent from up above,
God’s wondrous gift of love,
I’ll never get enough of
My baby.

All images and written material are strictly the property of Rachel Rudin, 2013.  Do not republish or use without permission. 


  1. Precious little baby boy! :-D I think we need to get this poem printed up very nicely and framed.

  2. Yes he's precious. :) You think so? I do rather fancy it, myself. Would make a nice addition to his nursery walls! :)

  3. Oh my goodness, did I miss something? You have a baby?

  4. @ Callie Nicole: You did! LOL Well, not really. We are in the process of adopting a baby boy, actually! I just didn't get the chance to share it here on my blog until now! So I chose to share the poem I wrote and some photos I took of him. I am not allowed to share any revealing facial photos publicly online in an effort to protect his identity. But I will share what I can! We do, we have a BABY! :) - R

  5. Oh Rachel that's amazing!! Congratulations :)
    You should check my blog next Tuesday to find out why I've been too busy to blog haha!

  6. @Evelien: Thank you very much! It truly is amazing. I guessed at why you've been too busy to blog, and I was right! Congrats right back to you!!! :)
