Hello Friends and Happy Autumn!
I apologize for the long gap of silence. It's been a very busy autumn for me this year! I am taking full time and a half of graduate school. That alone can keep a girl tied up! I've also been working with my husband on organizing our home and paring down. Speaking of which, if you live in the USA and don't mind helping to pay for a small shipping fee plus whatever we'd agree upon for the cost of the dress itself, I'm trying to sell seven of my beautiful nice gowns/dresses! So if you're interested and wear a size 8 or 10, let me know!
Anyhow, the weather is finally beginning to feel like honest-to-goodness autumn. It's taken a while! But the temperatures are perfect during the day, and very cool at night. Some of the leaves are turning, although many seem to have just fallen off leaving what looks to be a very large amount of already winter-bare trees. Perhaps it was because of the hot, dry summer we had. I will take any fall color in the leaves, though, I love it!
I discovered a new love: Salted Caramel Mochas from Starbucks. Yes, friends, I think I've spent just a little too much money on a few of those this season! haha But they were absolutely worth it! I always was a major fan of the Pumpkin Spice Latte, till I had one this time around and had a sore throat right afterward. No idea why. Something in it didn't like me I guess! But the S.C. Mocha doesn't do that to me at all . . . . and I really do enjoy the flavor blend! :-) So if you haven't tried it, do! Tell me what you think!
The election is nearly upon us. Where did the time go? In some ways I'm sure many people would say that the last 4 years could not have gone by fast enough. I would agree in some respects. However, on the same token, I always find myself stunned to be facing yet another presidential election because that means FOUR years have gone by! In the blink of an eye, really! I would encourage you to vote responsibly this election. I realize a lot is hanging in the balance for America. And we the people need to take our responsibility to keep America on track seriously. . . . if we do not, there may not be an America as we know it for our children or grandchildren. Yes, that's serious I know. But I honestly feel we have a burden to bear!
On a lighter note, anyone reading anything spectacular, thought-provoking, inspirational or just plain idiosyncratic or odd this autumn? I'm in the middle of several books (When am I NOT in the middle of at least two at a time, ever?!? LOL) and enjoying them all for various reasons. A couple are non-fiction, a couple are fiction. I did finish a novel by Jodi Picoult, a favorite contemporary author of mine, in the last week or so. "House Rules." Very interesting read! I liked it a lot and of course was hanging off the cliff until I read the last few pages, as always!! :)
Have a lovely autumn, everyone! Thanksgiving is just around the corner and Christmas around the next corner after!