Wednesday, November 30, 2011

From Thanksgiving to Thanks Giving

Dear Friends!

Has it truly been nearly a month since I last posted on my own blog?  That is sad, I know!

As for me, I don't have too many excuses for being so slow to post except that I was first in the throes of midterms then just making sure I kept up with all of my papers and class projects and now, I'm about to be smack dab in the middle of FINALS!  Yes, it is a joy to be pursuing a Masters.  No, I'm serious about that statement! It is a joy.  It is also a trial at times, as most good things worth pursuing are!  Don't you agree?  :-)

So, I think that I will make this post a tad lighthearted if it leans that direction . . . and a little newsy in the sense that I will just catch you up a bit on me and my life right now and hope that you return the favor by commenting here!

We had a lovely Thanksgiving.  I haven't been married all that long, so the thrill of celebrating a holiday with the man I love is fresh!  Of course, I hope it always is fresh!  I am so grateful for him! He definitely is at the top of my Thanksgiving blessings list . . . . 2nd only to God of course for Whom and to Whom I find I must always be thankful and am so grateful to BE thankful!  Anyhow, we ate plenty and are still feasting off the leftovers . . . . yes, that's right, I'm actually enjoying some pumpkin pie with whipped cream as I type this!  The traditional Thanksgiving meal to me is just super scrumptious!  I made it all from scratch, except the rolls this year.  And it was a big success!  We were fortunate to celebrate with a very good friend and her parents this Thanksgiving and all enjoyed themselves to the hilt!  Just a great day to relax, chat, laugh together, say thanks for many blessings, and bask in the warm light of good friendship!  That's the spirit!

I titled this post "From Thanksgiving to Thanks Giving" because as we move from the holiday at the end of November and into the Christmas season, this is the heart attitude we should truly have . . . we aren't moving from a holiday centered around giving thanks into a holiday centered around giving gifts . . . . instead, we are moving from Thanksgiving into Thanks Giving for the One, Jesus Christ, Who gave the ultimate gift of His life, His all for every single one of us!  This is the true meaning of Christmas, celebrating the birth of the Savior of Man and as for me, I want to keep this truth fresh and in the forefront of my mind and heart as I greet this cheerful season!

I realize that the Christmas season is actually a very difficult time of year for many folks, as well.  For some, it is not overflowing with obvious love from others or gifts, good food, bright and colorful decorations.  It is instead riddled with the pain of grief, loss, lack.  My heart goes out to all of those who are suffering this season and I pray that every one of them is touched somehow by the love of Christ in a very special way.  Because without Jesus, there is no true joy in life for any person on this earth.  I love the scriptures below, as they speak to these very needs, these very griefs and burdens that so many face in a magnified fashion at Christmas! May they offer the hope and peace to you all that they never fail to do for me every time I read them!  They also set me to humming Handel's Messiah as these verses comprise some of my favorite sections of that beautiful music!

May you find you move from Thanksgiving to Thanks Giving this year!  Blessings!

 For to us a child is born, 

     to us a son is given, 

   and the government will be on his shoulders. 

And he will be called 

   Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, 

   Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. 

 Of the greatness of his government and peace 

   there will be no end. 

-- Isaiah 9:6-7